Digital Advertising is in the air!

Knowingly or unknowingly, all of us experience a large number of advertisements in our day-to-day lives. Any digital platform that we use or see will have Digital Advertising. Be it while watching a TV, using our mobile phones, seeing a digital hoarding during travel and a lot more. Yes, or No, we live with it! Sometimes, we even fail to realize that we have purchased a product or taken an action after getting influenced by watching a video advertisement.

Thus, Digital Advertising, more commonly known as Internet Advertising is a practice of reaching a large number of specific groups of people who might be interested in what the advertisers are offering. These may be messages, pieces of information or promotional offers or details, etc. Eventually, people get influenced by the advertisements and are made to take any action intended by the advertiser and finally fall inside their process funnel. In simple, Digital advertising is merely reaching people where they are frequently present.

Digital advertising benefits for a business

A business can reach their audience online via Internet marketing (Digital advertising mainly) and get benefitted by generating brand awareness, generating leads, engaging frequently with the target audience and finally making sales of their products and services. DIgital advertising can be practiced by small businesses as well as corporates (big companies) and spend on various approaches whichever is suitable and handy for each of them. It is because of the economical, easy to use and highly targetted nature of digital advertising that anybody or any entity can depend upon it anytime. Based on the goals advertising campaign, the right ad approach is chosen and implemented to enable people to take action in return. Mentioning a few of the many goals of a business

  • Reaching more people
  • Brand awareness
  • Watch a video
  • App installation
  • Purchase a product
  • Participate in a survey
  • Gain website traffic
  • Boost the views of a page
  • Download the resources

How we do it better? At Visual Birds, we put ourselves at the shoes of our clients and get their requirements very clearly so as to proceed with the right strategy and approach of digital advertising leading to better results and conversions. We are very well aware of the stages in which people become a part of when encountering a digital advertisement on Internet. In simple

  • Stage #1: People being online
  • Stage #2: People witnessing the advertisement
  • Stage #3: People getting nurtured with our content/offerings
  • Stage #4: People getting motivated to take an action
  • Stage #5: People performing the intended action

A professional video agency that delivers

Are you looking for help with a single video project or an entire marketing strategy? Contact Thrive today for creative video marketing services and technical solutions that will provide real, measurable results.

Our focused expertise in Digital advertising

Transformed into a leading digital advertising service provider in pan India, we aim to offer our services to a lot of small business and entrepreneurs who are willing to promote their products and services online. We guarantee quality internet marketing services to our clients across the globe.

We aid in-depth targetting option

Though we reach large number of people online, it is most suited owing to the high specificity of audience definition. People can be highly targetted and segmented. Segmentation is classified into Demographics, Behaviours, Locations, Interests, etc.

We help in testing and optimization

A/B testing can be done to verify the audience, creative, content, and landing page. Post the results of testing, optimised variables are adopted for further digital ad campaigns

We are experienced with various digital advertisement methods

Pay per click ads, CPM, Search ads, Display ads, Social media ads, Content marketing, native ads, affiliate advertisements, mobile ads, etc.

We support with creative ad copies

The headline, Description, Tagline, Call to action button, Gashtags, Sub-heading, etc are created by expert writers and designers to make it more influencial.

We consult on relevant approaches/ strategies

Right strategy, Right ad approach, Right content, RIght frequency, Right target audience, Right landing page

Measure relevant metrics

Frequency, Relevance, Click-Through Rate (CTR), Cost Per Acquisition of Customer (CPA), Cost Per Lead (CPL), Cost Per Click (CPC), Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (CPM)